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Manuscript Summary Submission Deadline 23 February 2024
Manuscript Submission Deadline 26 July 2024

This Research Topic is still accepting articles. For authors aiming to contribute, please submit your manuscript today

People with disabilities, henceforth differently abled persons, have largely been on the peripheries of society even in the context of research. While there are studies about these individuals, they are mainly objects of research, and are not included in conducting research with them. Disability is generally accompanied by lack of education and training, employment, and poverty. Inclusive research methodologies aim at mainstreaming employability and entrepreneurship of differently abled persons. Inclusive research methodologies need to be highlighted in research on and with differently abled persons, to understand the challenges they face in developing employability and entrepreneurial skills and competencies.

Current inclusive research methods include: participatory, emancipatory, partnership and user-led research. However, the African indigenous canons of research do not feature in this model conspicuously. The goal of this research topic is to promote exhumation of subjugated pro-disability knowledge and marginalized epistemologies in inclusive research methodologies.

Furthermore, this research topic aims to promote research by differently abled persons to represent themselves in their diversity, and educate society about disability. Research is premised on philosophy.

The Research Topic aims to use the inclusive research paradigm of Botho / Ubuntu’s principles of epistemic justice. The now familiar mantra of 'nothing about us, without us' underpins research approaches to inclusive research methodologies.

Research-based, psychobiographical experiences and theory enhancing manuscripts can include but are not limited to:

• How could inclusive research methodologies promote cognitive justice?

• What inclusive research paradigms (e.g. metrics and analytics) could leverage epistemic justice for differently-abled persons?

• How could differently-abled persons become co- researchers for employability and entrepreneurship (including metrics, analytics and indicators to analyze trends and opportunities)?

• How could inclusive research methodologies encourage epistemic equity and social justice?

• How could inclusive research methodologies inspire egalitarian knowledge construction approaches?

• Inclusive research methodology

• Inclusive paradigm

• Indigenous inclusive approaches

• Indigenous Research Paradigm

• Indigenous African ontologies of disability

• Employability of differently abled persons (including research metrics, analytics and indicators to map employability, and future opportunities)

• Entrepreneurship

• Hephapreneurship

• Inclusive research methods in education

Keywords: disabilities, education, research, employability, entrepreneurship, inclusivity, research methods

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.

People with disabilities, henceforth differently abled persons, have largely been on the peripheries of society even in the context of research. While there are studies about these individuals, they are mainly objects of research, and are not included in conducting research with them. Disability is generally accompanied by lack of education and training, employment, and poverty. Inclusive research methodologies aim at mainstreaming employability and entrepreneurship of differently abled persons. Inclusive research methodologies need to be highlighted in research on and with differently abled persons, to understand the challenges they face in developing employability and entrepreneurial skills and competencies.

Current inclusive research methods include: participatory, emancipatory, partnership and user-led research. However, the African indigenous canons of research do not feature in this model conspicuously. The goal of this research topic is to promote exhumation of subjugated pro-disability knowledge and marginalized epistemologies in inclusive research methodologies.

Furthermore, this research topic aims to promote research by differently abled persons to represent themselves in their diversity, and educate society about disability. Research is premised on philosophy.

The Research Topic aims to use the inclusive research paradigm of Botho / Ubuntu’s principles of epistemic justice. The now familiar mantra of 'nothing about us, without us' underpins research approaches to inclusive research methodologies.

Research-based, psychobiographical experiences and theory enhancing manuscripts can include but are not limited to:

• How could inclusive research methodologies promote cognitive justice?

• What inclusive research paradigms (e.g. metrics and analytics) could leverage epistemic justice for differently-abled persons?

• How could differently-abled persons become co- researchers for employability and entrepreneurship (including metrics, analytics and indicators to analyze trends and opportunities)?

• How could inclusive research methodologies encourage epistemic equity and social justice?

• How could inclusive research methodologies inspire egalitarian knowledge construction approaches?

• Inclusive research methodology

• Inclusive paradigm

• Indigenous inclusive approaches

• Indigenous Research Paradigm

• Indigenous African ontologies of disability

• Employability of differently abled persons (including research metrics, analytics and indicators to map employability, and future opportunities)

• Entrepreneurship

• Hephapreneurship

• Inclusive research methods in education

Keywords: disabilities, education, research, employability, entrepreneurship, inclusivity, research methods

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.

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